Time is money. We can save you both with our exclusive military status verification batch processing and scrubbing service.
We take the worry and effort out of complying with the demanding and complex Servicemembers Civil Relief Act requirements – both the statutory requirements as well as the additional demands being made by the Department of Justice.
When you turn over the exacting and time-consuming chore of military status verifications to SCRACVS, you and your employees can refocus and get back to the business at hand.
In particular, financial institutions and law firms routinely necessitating 500 or more inquiries a month can benefit greatly from our volume-discounted batch processing service.
Fast. Accurate. Secure.
Our stand-alone batch processing module allows for automated, high-volume verification. At the outset, our technicians work with yours to ensure full integration of our software into your database (see Customization, below). This allows you to quickly and easily obtain the information you need, all from the comfort of your own office.
Our electronic, hands-free uploading facilitates the seamless transfer of data from our system to yours. Usually within hours, you receive a response file, fully consolidated into your own data file for your convenience and ease of use. This file comes complete with a link to each certificate supplied by the Defense Department’s Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC). For further details, see Accuracy of Military Status Verification.
How are searches submitted to the SCRACVS site?
Military status verification batch processing files can be processed by either HTTPs or FTP file exchange (MS Excel, delimited text) to a secure server. And the control panel allows for full tracking, status inquiry and searches by name.
What is the format of data file to be submitted for batch processing?
Batch search requires:
- Last name
- First name or initial
- Social Security number
- Active duty status date ¹
- Unique identifier (also called a “handle,” different from Social Security number)
Not all data shown. Full file sent in .CSV format.
How does SCRACVS return the data file?
SCRACVS transmits the data back to you in the same format in which we received it but with the additional relevant data such as the dates of service, military branch, etc. We also have the capacity to deliver results programmatically for automatic integration into your database.
Besides the data file, what information does the response file contain?
Each record has a URL link to a PDF of the Department of Defense’s Defense Manpower Data Center’s military status report certificate with date, time, and unique report ID number.
What is the turnaround time?
Turnaround time is often dependent upon the size of your batch and how many batches are ahead of you. You can usually expect completion the same business day. If the batch exceeds 100,000 records, the Department of Defense could take longer.
Is customized integration available for uploading batch files and downloading results files?
We work with your information technology department to customize the process. This customization saves you hundreds if not thousands of data-entry man hours, plus it aggrandizes quality control by leveraging automated features to virtually eliminate human error.
Some examples of customization include:
- Develop a protocol to automate the delivery of batch files
- Submit batch files and retrieve results via SFTP
- Encrypt PGP for uploaded batch files and downloaded results files
- Customize separator used in the batch upload/downloaded files
- Deliver results file to you programmatically for automatic integration into your database
What are your security features?
All site interaction, including uploading, downloading and logging in, is done via secure sockets layer with a fully validated 256-bit encrypted security certificate. McAfee Secure™ provides intensive, daily security scans, and we store all data offline at host level in a military-grade encryption technology format. Also, an application program interface is available, which potentially allows you to implement any desired security access system. We follow best security practices; i.e., users can only access information as it pertains to a specific task, and only at that time. We also monitor and audit the system on a regular basis.
How is billing handled?
Via credit card or ACH transfer. Account holders pay $750 each month for up to 3,750 inquiries; each inquiry thereafter is 20 cents.
¹ The specific date for which you wish to ascertain if the individual is on active duty – default is date of submission of the order.