Category: General - Page: 17

Help with SCRA Compliance

The original version of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act was enacted in 1940. Since then, Congress has amended it a number of times. But the federal law protecting those on active duty military service is still rife with ambiguity. The …

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SCRA Protects Servicemembers’ Dependents Too

Banks Must Tread Carefully Around SCRA and Follow the Letter of the law

When it comes to the SCRA, banks and other financial institutions must follow the letter of the law carefully or risk steep fines.

The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, a federal law, provides certain protections to members of the military. Which …

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What Are the Difference Between SCRA and MLA?

Two distinct federal statutes provide protections for servicemembers in active service or those recently retired. The SCRA is the successor to the old Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Act of 1940. The Military Lending Act is more recent.

But what …

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SCRACVS Software Improvements

Why Does a DMDC Search Cost Money?