Category: General - Page: 14

The SCRA and Bankruptcy: Does it Apply?

Many lenders and business owners know the rules of the SCRA as they apply to civil matters. They know they have to get a military status verification before heading to civil court. But what about the SCRA and military bankruptcy …

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Why Pay for a DMDC Search?

5 Advantages to Working with SCRACVS for Verifying Military Service

5 Advantages To Working With SCRACVS For Verifying Military

You have a number of options available for verifying military service, so why are so many people working with SCRACVS?

Lawyers, pro se plaintiffs, creditors and anyone else who works …

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Who Receives SCRA Protections?

Do you ever wonder who is eligible for SCRA protections?

The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act is a fairly complex federal law that covers a swath of military personnel and their dependants. But which ones?

According to federal laws, active military …

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Do Merchants Need Military Verifications for Retail Discounts?

Merchants enjoy being able to give military discounts. It’s good for business. Invariably, however, when servicemembers enter into business relationships with merchants, a time will come when one or more will want to cancel their contract. In these cases, as …

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Title 32 – Could be Covered Under Servicemembers Civil Relief Act

The Veterans Benefit Act (section 304) says members of the National Guard includes service authorized by the president (paid from federal funds – even if overseen by the governor) for a period of more than 30 days.  Also see Title …

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