Category: Compliance for Landlords & Property Managers - Page: 7

Move-Out Penalties Violate The SCRA

Recently a Virginia-based rental company received a cease and desist letter after charging allegedly illegal fees to active duty individuals in violation of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, legislation which allows military members to terminate certain financial obligations while deployed.…

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CFPB Explains ServiceMember Tenant Rights

Complaints from servicemembers regarding their debts are common in Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s database, and the government agency recently posted a blog listing the rights of persons whose military service is currently active.

Complaints from servicemembers actually happen to be …

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What To Know If You Rent To Active Duty Servicemembers

Renting to active duty servicemembers is often a great decision! Members of the uniformed services tend to be very reliable, hardworking individuals. They have a steady paycheck and are accountable for their actions, meaning that disputes are often easily mediated …

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Landlords: DOJ Enforces Active Duty Protections

One thing that not many landlords realize in their dealings with servicemembers is that enforcement of the SCRA may come from an unexpected source.

For the past several years, the Department of Justice has made itself available for active duty …

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