Category: Compliance for Landlords & Property Managers - Page: 4

What a Landlord Cannot Do in Arizona?

Being an Arizona residential landlord offers many benefits, including tax deductions, the opportunity to earn more money through annual rent increases, and property value appreciation. While it’s a lucrative endeavor, you must abide by Arizona landlord-tenant laws to avoid legal …

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What a Landlord Cannot Do in Texas: A Quick Guide

If you’re a landlord in Texas, here’s some good news: the Texas property code tends to favor the investor or landlord. However, you should familiarize yourself with Texas landlord-tenant laws to avoid legal trouble. While you’d want to maximize your …

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What a Landlord Cannot Do in Florida: Know the Law

Being a Florida landlord can be an enriching experience, with potential tax benefits and laws that tend to favor landlords. Familiarizing oneself with Florida landlord-tenant laws is vital to ensure one abides by Florida law and avoids potential issues.


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What a Landlord Cannot Do in California: Rules & Limits

The demand for rental properties is always high in the Golden State. There is a lot of opportunity for California landlords to capitalize on this housing demand, but Califronia landlords must advere to California landlord-tenant law.

If you’re interested in …

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Can I Evict A Tenant With Active Military Status?

As a landlord, you may wonder if you are allowed to evict a tenant with active military status.

You are right to ask this question because making a mistake in this area can cost you dearly, not to mention wreak …

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Can An Active Duty Servicemember Cancel A Lease?

Few individuals are more likely to accidentally run afoul of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act than landlords. A number of statutes under this law put a thumb on the scale of interactions between servicemembers and landlords in favor of the …

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